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NUMINOUS adj. /ˈnuːmɪnəs/ A term derived from the Latin numen, meaning "arousing spiritual emotion; mysterious or awe-inspiring."

Ayahuasca, Gratitude, and Nature: A Path to Deeper Connection

Article Title: “Effects of Ayahuasca on Gratitude and Relationships with Nature: A Prospective, Naturalistic Study”

Author:Jacob S. Aday, Emily K. Bloesch, Alan K. Davis, Sarah E. Domoff, Kyle Scherr, Josh D. Woolley & Christopher C. Davoli

Publication Date: Feb, 2024

DOI: 10.1080/02791072.2024.2312980


Ayahuasca, a traditional plant-based psychedelic brew, has long been used in Central and South America for its profound psychological and spiritual effects. Recent scientific interest has explored its potential benefits, particularly in mental health treatment. While previous research has examined its therapeutic applications in depression and substance use disorders, less attention has been given to its impact on broader aspects of personality and emotional well-being.

Anecdotal reports and smaller qualitative studies have suggested that ayahuasca experiences may lead to lasting increases in gratitude and a strengthened connection to nature. However, these effects had not been rigorously studied until this research sought to fill the gap by exploring how ayahuasca influences gratitude and nature-relatedness in a structured retreat setting.

Study Overview

This prospective, naturalistic study examined participants attending an ayahuasca retreat in Costa Rica. The study aimed to measure changes in gratitude, nature-relatedness, and nature appreciation before and after the retreat.


  • Participants: 54 individuals attending Soltara Healing Center.
  • Measures: Validated surveys assessing gratitude, nature-relatedness, and nature appreciation.
  • Time Points: Surveys were completed one week before the retreat, one week after, and again one month later.
  • Additional Factors: Participants also reported their mystical experiences, feelings of awe, and ego dissolution during their most intense ayahuasca ceremony.

This approach allowed the researchers to track sustained changes in participants’ emotional and perceptual states following their ayahuasca experience.

Key Findings

  • Significant Increases in Gratitude

    • Compared to their pre-retreat levels, participants reported higher gratitude one week and one month after their experience.
    • This increase was consistent across various aspects of gratitude, such as appreciation for life, interpersonal relationships, and overcoming adversity.
    • Interestingly, the number of ayahuasca ceremonies attended had no significant effect on gratitude levels, suggesting that the quality of the experience matters more than the quantity.
  • Strengthened Connection to Nature

    • Nature-relatedness and nature appreciation also increased significantly post-retreat, with effects lasting at least one month.
    • Participants reported feeling a deeper sense of connection to the natural world and a greater appreciation for spending time in nature.
  • Mystical Experiences and Awe Were Key Drivers of Change

    • Participants who had stronger mystical experiences (such as a sense of unity, transcendence, or deep personal insight) showed greater increases in gratitude and nature-relatedness.
    • Feelings of awe during ayahuasca ceremonies also correlated with these positive changes.
    • However, ego dissolution (a feeling of losing one’s sense of self) did not show the same correlation with gratitude and nature appreciation.
  • Age Influenced the Psychedelic Experience

    • Older participants reported less intense mystical experiences and feelings of awe compared to younger individuals.
    • This aligns with previous research suggesting that psychedelic effects can diminish with age.


These findings align with previous research suggesting that psychedelic experiences can lead to enduring positive changes in personality, particularly in openness and emotional well-being. The link between mystical experiences and gratitude suggests that ayahuasca can evoke profound insights that shift one’s perspective long after the session has ended.

Similarly, the increase in nature-relatedness echoes past studies showing that psychedelics may enhance ecological awareness. In a time of increasing environmental crises and urban disconnection from nature, this finding has significant implications for fostering pro-environmental attitudes and behaviours.

While some may argue that retreat settings themselves—rich in natural beauty, mindfulness practices, and social bonding—could contribute to these effects, previous research in controlled laboratory environments has also demonstrated similar psychedelic-induced changes.


The study suggests that ayahuasca may serve as a catalyst for increased gratitude and nature-relatedness, both of which are associated with improved mental well-being. Gratitude has been widely studied as a psychological trait that enhances happiness, resilience, and life satisfaction. Similarly, a deeper connection to nature has been linked to better mental health, reduced stress, and greater overall fulfilment. The ability of ayahuasca to enhance these traits highlights its potential beyond clinical applications for mental illness, extending to personal growth and emotional development.

From a societal perspective, strengthening people’s connection to nature could have far-reaching implications, particularly in an era marked by environmental degradation and disconnection from the natural world. If psychedelics like ayahuasca can cultivate a greater sense of responsibility toward the environment, they may contribute to more sustainable behaviours and a broader cultural shift toward ecological awareness.

Potential Application

Ayahuasca’s effects on gratitude and nature-relatedness may be relevant in therapeutic, wellness, and environmental contexts. Clinically, psychedelics are already being explored as treatments for depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Understanding how gratitude and nature connection mediate these effects could provide new insights into their therapeutic mechanisms.

For personal development, ayahuasca retreats may appeal to individuals seeking to cultivate greater appreciation for life and a more harmonious relationship with the world around them. This aligns with traditional indigenous perspectives, where ayahuasca is seen as a teacher, guiding individuals toward deeper wisdom and interconnectedness.

Additionally, there is potential for psychedelics to play a role in environmental consciousness. If increased nature-relatedness leads to more eco-friendly behaviours, psychedelic experiences could contribute to conservation efforts and climate change mitigation by fostering a renewed sense of respect for the Earth.


This study adds to the growing body of evidence suggesting that ayahuasca experiences can lead to meaningful and lasting positive changes in personality. The observed increases in gratitude and nature-relatedness provide valuable insights into how psychedelics can shape not only personal well-being but also broader societal attitudes toward life and the environment.

As psychedelic research continues to expand, understanding the full range of their benefits—including their potential to foster gratitude and environmental consciousness—will be essential in shaping future applications, both therapeutic and beyond.


Aday, J. S., Bloesch, E. K., Davis, A. K., Domoff, S. E., Scherr, K., Woolley, J. D., & Davoli, C. C. (2024). Effects of Ayahuasca on Gratitude and Relationships with Nature: A Prospective, Naturalistic Study. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. https://doi.org/10.1080/02791072.2024.2312980

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