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NUMINOUS adj. /ˈnuːmɪnəs/ A term derived from the Latin numen, meaning "arousing spiritual emotion; mysterious or awe-inspiring."

Research Title:

A Phenomenological Exploration of Participant Experiences with Psychedelic Integration Following a Psilocybin Retreat

Principal investigator:
Antoni Gillert

About the researcher:

I completed my BSc in Psychology at Loughborough University and am currently finishing my MSc in Clinical Psychology at Erasmus University Rotterdam. . The current qualitative study is being conducted for the purpose of my Master’s thesis. I also recently completed an internship at the MIND Foundation for Psychedelic Research and Education in Berlin, which piqued my interest for these fascinating compounds and their use in therapy.

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Research objective:

The study aims to examine the perspectives of individuals who have attended organized psilocybin retreats, exploring their own understanding of what integration entails, as well as some of the challenges and supportive factors involved in the integration process.

Research proposal abstract

In a broad sense, integration covers the ‘aftercare’ period in psychedelic treatment where an attempt is made to minimize risks and maximize beneficial outcomes of the psychedelic experience (Greń et al., 2023). Extensive literature exists on the essential need for integration following psychedelic substance use, particularly in the case of more profound and powerful experiences (Bragdon, 2012; Earleywine et al., 2022; Gorman et al., 2021). Though it is widely recognized as a crucial phase of the therapeutic process where the psychedelic experience is reflected upon and assimilated into one’s life, it remains a fairly ambiguous and elusive concept. In an effort to further inform our understanding of the process of integration, the present study will attempt to examine the perspectives of individuals who took part in a psilocybin retreat via semi-structured interviewing. A qualitative, phenomenological approach will be used, based on the conviction that the subjective experiences of individuals should guide our understanding and conceptualization of the integrative process. The hope is that considering personal ‘lived’ experiences will help shape a more coherent picture of the phenomenology and role of integration in psychedelic therapy.


I am looking for volunteers who have attended a psilocybin retreat within the last 12 months to take part in an online interview. A series of open-ended questions related to your integration experience are prepared to help prompt you, but most of the interview will consist of an open discussion based on your account of the experience. You are encouraged to share what you believe is most relevant and significant to you in your integration journey. It is thus a good opportunity to talk openly and in depth about your experience with someone who is genuinely curious to understand it and explore it with you.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you are interested or have any questions. Thank you for your support!

Contact Antoni

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