Research Title:
Psychedelics, Nature Relatedness and Pro Environmental Behavior
Principal investigator:
David Moor
About the researcher:
Hi, my name is David. I’m in my master’s study in the field of psychology at the university of Vienna. Beside my academic affiliation I work in a fully assisted living facility for people with mental health issues. I’m currently undergoing a training to become a psychotherapist as well as a breathwork teacher.
University of Vienna, AT
Research objective:
The goal of this study is to investigate the potential transformative effects of psychedelic substances on nature relatedness and pro environmental behaviour.
Research proposal abstract
This study aims to investigate the potential transformative effects of psychedelic substances on nature relatedness (NR) and pro-environmental behaviour (PEB), using a quasi-experimental design that involves participants attending psychedelic retreats. The study will utilize established scales such as the Nature relatedness Scale (NR-6), Recurring Environmental Behavior Scale, Big Five Inventory-10 (BFI-10) and the Ego-Dissolution Inventory (EDI) to examine changes in scores from pre-retreat to post-retreat. The main research ques-on is whether there will be a significant change in NR and PEB scores. The setting (surrounding) of the psychedelic session as well as the degree of ego-dissolution will also be considered.
I’m currently running the online survey for my study. The survey consists of two individual parts which need to be completed within a specified time period. The first part takes a maximum of 10 minutes, and the second part takes a maximum of 6 minutes to fill out. No special prerequisites are needed to participate in this study. Whether you’re planning to attend a psychedelic retreat soon, have already participated in one, or have no such plans, your contribution is invaluable and highly appreciated. During the study, you will be asked to rate some statements according to your level of agreement to each of them. The survey will include questions related to your demographics, nature relatedness, environmental behaviour, and experience with psychedelics substances.
To guarantee absolute anonymity, no personally identifiable information will be collected and the information you choose to provide in this study cannot be connected back to you.
To participate please click this link.
Thank you very much for your support.